falling object love

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Damn you're right, Bob!

''Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you've never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can't wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never they do hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. the things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and are vivid it's like being young again. Colors seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn't exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps you to get you through a long day's work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there's no need for continuous conversation, but you find you're quite content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there's a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that's so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are part of your life''

This is the longest quote I found in google.
Just wanna share it as I found this is so true. And sweet.
Thanks Bob. =D

Thursday 12 July 2012

mari berfikir dulu, kawan..


hari ni gua nak share something.. eh, mcm gangster sgt je.. hehe.. okay, hari ni aku rase rajin nak menaip. so aku nak share sesuatu yg aku rase begune utk kite semue.. aku ni x la bagus pun. terlalu byk kekurangan, tapi aku rase x salah aku nak kongsi pengalaman utk renungan kite besame. hee.. ayat x bleh blah..
sorang kawan buat aku nak becerita pasal bende ni.. die mcm recall bende yg mmg dah lame dlm idup aku. okay, kwn aku tu ade masalah. sbb aku ni rapat dgn die so die becerita dgn aku.. aku pun bkn la na bg nasihat, cuma pendapat.. utk x aibkan sesape. x payah la dimention name kwn aku tu. dia ade poblem yg pd pndgn aku besar gak la. mslh family, and at the same time ade poblem dgn cinta jugak.. so die ni sgt2 stress la.. tp aku bkn nak citer pasal mslh die, buat ape nak sebok2 kan.. bende yg jd point skang adlh die nak lari dari masalah ni. die nak keluar dari rumah. ok, keluar dari rumah atau bahasa x berape nk sopannye lari dari rumah. aku penah tgk insiden ni betaun taun dulu depan mate aku. dan aku dah tgk kesannye ke atas org tu. so aku tahu lari dari rumah bukan satu penyelesaian tapi menambah poblem yg ade. dah name pun lari, konpem2 la mak ayah x restu kite keluar tu.. ingat satu bende ni kawan, ko pegi mane pun xkan bejaye tanpa restu mak bapak.. even ko kaye pun, duit bekepuk kepuk.. tapi xkan bahagia. cayo la cakap den ni.. lagi satu, there is no place like home. bemasalah mcm mane pun, kite akn lebih tenang bila di samping family..
kes lari dari rumah ni mmg x asing sgt dlm idup aku ni. aku tau kesannye buruk. sgt buruk. kadang2 kite x perlu buat kesilapan utk belajar dari kesilapan. kite boleh jugak belajar dari kesilapan yg org lain buat. tu la belajar dgn bijak namenye.. haa... aku x tau ape yg perlu aku ckp dgn kwn aku tu. sbb aku tau aku ni x layak menasihati. aku sendiri pun otak x betul nak nasihat org pulak kan.. so aku biar die bepikir sendiri. sbb aku tau die matang, jauh lagi matang dari aku yg besor lebor tapi otak kecut tahap asam keping ni.. huhu.. kadang2 kite sendiri kene timbang baik buruk satu pekare tanpa org bagi hint. sbb kite je yg tau ape yg kite nak and ape yg tebaik utk diri kite sendiri.. so, make the decision by yourself for your own life, but by thinking the impact of it to the lives around you. igtlah org tersayang. hehe.. igt bhai, boyfriend baru 10 org pun ko bleh dapat. tapi family ko xde penggantinye.. INGAT!

aku bukan orang alim, aku bukan pendeta, aku bukan seorang yg beilmu, tapi aku punya satu kasih sayang, secebis cinta dah sedikit perhatian utk dikongsi. let's make our lives meaningful as it is very short. =)
sekian, wasalam.... #salam1malaysia

Tuesday 10 July 2012

najwa, ezzat, syaz, shidah, qutu, yana, untuk anda..

''Sahabat adalah satu jiwa yang menghuni dua tubuh. Bagaikan oksigen dalam air. Bagaikan haemoglobin dalam darah. Banyak mantan pacar, tapi tak mungkin ada mantan sahabat.''
-Iman Zenit-

jangan khianati dia!
kerana dialah yg selalu ada sebagai penggantimu.
kerana dia sahabatmu...
kawan sanggup merampas org yg kau cintai,
tapi sahabat akn menjadi mata2 yg menjaga org yg kau cintai..
kawan berikan mu senyuman,
tapi sahabat berikan mu kebahagiaan..

sahabat seperti bintang yg tidak selalu kelihatan tapi sebenarnya ia sentiasa ada...
sahabat akn sentiasa menghampiri ketika seluruh dunia menjauh kerana persahabatan adalah seperti tangan dan mata..
ketika tgn terluka, mata menangis.. bila mata menangis, tangan menghapusnya...

kawan akn menikammu dari belakang,
tapi sahabat akn menamparmu dari depan.
kawan akn menceritakanmu yg tidak benar tntg dirimu,
tapi sahabat akn melidungi kesalahanmu..
kawan hanya menerima kelebihanmu,
tapi sahabat akn menerima kekuranganmu..
1000 kawan datang saat kamu berderai ketawa,
tapi seorang sahabat akn tiba saat kamu berderai air mata....

kau adalah teman penglipur laraku, tempatku berbagi cerita indah dan kegagalanku..
tempat yg aku bisa tuangkan segala keluh kesahku..
sahabat, kau berharga..

Sunday 1 July 2012

IMY laa gilaa!!

dah lame aku x fikir sgt pasal die. tapi dua tiga hari ni.... aku sgt2 rindukan die. tak tahulah kenape... sampai tahap temimpi mimpi doe... hehe.. aku tak tahu la jampi ape mamat tu hembus kat aku hari tu. kui3!
haih... bila la kau nak blah dari hati aku? i think u better pack your things up and leave. so that i can fill your absence with someone else.. but why u don't wanna leave? u are sticking like a poster on my wall, my heart's wall..
aku ni susah nak ingat rupe orang. kadang2 x sampai seminggu x jumpe org tu, aku dah lupe muke die mcm mane.. tapi, muke die... susah aku nak lupekan. walaupun ko x hensem mane kan, walaupun ko buat aku menyampah, aku tetap ingat muke ko yg x hensem tu.. hisy, ko mandrem aku ye?
kalau la ko muncul tibe2 dpn aku skang ni, mcm yg biase ko buat dulu2.. confirm aku xkan sia2kan peluang yg ko bagi tu.. tapi, skang ni dah telambat kan.. hurm.. ape yg telambat? nak masuk bintang rtm.. eh, tesasul.. hehe..
hey giler, bile dah bosan plus rindu giler kat ko ni kan.. aku mule la nak menulis.. i wanna make a novel out of our story, amacam? tapi ofcoz la citer die happy ending, bukan sadis mcm ending kite ni.. huhu... mcm lagu taylor swift tu, if this was a movie you'd be here by now.. tapi ko jauh dari aku. so this is not a movie, never a love story, nor a love novel. this is reality, a reality that really killing me inside!
wey bengong! aku rindu kau sangat2!